In the heart of MCU’s Centennial Gymnasium, a lively scene unfolded on September 8, 2023, gathered for ‘IGNITE 2023’—a lively welcome celebration for the university’s freshmen and transfer students.
It was all about introducing MCU’s athletics department and showcasing the new additions to the MCU basketball team, setting the stage for an exciting season ahead.
The festivities commenced with a spirited parade, where the ‘sporty-attired’ freshmen and transfer students marched proudly from the LRC to the Centennial Gymnasium.
As the event began, a massive athletic cauldron next to the stage was dramatically lit, symbolizing the official launch of MCU’s sports journey. Four distinguished individuals had the honor of lighting the cauldron: Mr. Jason Galauran, who recently secured 2nd place at the 2023 IPF World Classic Powerlifting Championships in Romania; Mr. Ace Cedric Sabio, the current University Student Council Minister President; MCU Basketball Captain & Shooting Guard, Mr. Ralph Justine Tadeo; and Coach Ian Racela, the Head of the Basketball Team.
However, IGNITE 2023 wasn’t solely about sports; it also aimed to highlight MCU’s commitment to sports excellence. The university has invested significant resources in research, development, and skill enhancement to empower its athletes and elevate its sports programs.
To add a touch of fun, seven students who showcased exceptional ‘sports attire’ were acknowledged and rewarded by major event sponsors, including Lifestrong Marketing, McDonald’s MCU branch, and SM Store at SM Grand Central.
The event concluded on a high note with a dynamic performance by a lineup of Centralino entertainers, who delivered spirited singing and dance performances that left the audience enthralled.
IGNITE 2023 was a collaborative effort organized by MCU’s Student Affairs and Services and MCU’s University Student Council. This marked the event’s second installment, building upon the success of the previous year.
To all the new faces entering the MCU community, welcome home! May this academic year be filled with purpose, achievement, and cherished memories.